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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Techniques To Teach Thildren In The Development Of Technology

Techniques To Teach Thildren In The Development Of Technology
In this blog you can see and buy his how to teach there in the form of technology that your child smart and just as you want in your child .I designed a special blog for you to follow, so that you can advise your child to come forward and directed as you wish .

Many ways the book gives a good lesson for children . but in the book many are twists and turns in the book. Then here you can choose for themselves how the technique and how to guide the child .If it were your daughters naughty and disobedient , what would you do? one child may advise you not ? and if your child no matter what happens . maybe you dizzy to think of it , it definitely .do you wait for your child to adolescence without guidance from the child's parents .

Here I give some input :how to improve the child's motivation to learn .
There were two Things may have happened. certainly one of the parents and the child playing two of the teachers.

if it happens to be a teacher of teachers may provide one of the forms so that the children can compete and advance such as:
  1. Gifts :
    Gifts can be a strong motivation to learn , where the child can be interested in a particular field to be awarded the prize . Not so if the gift is given for a job that is not interesting by the students .
  2. Competition :Competition , whether individuals or groups , can be a means for improving learning motivation . Because sometimes if there is no competition , the students would be more eager to achieve the best results .
  3. Ego - involvement : Raise awareness to children or students to feel the importance of the task and accept it as a challenge that is hard work as a form of motivation that is quite important . Forms of hard work to engage children cognitively is to find ways to increase motivation .
  4. Giving DeuteronomyThe students will be keen to learn if knowing will be held replications . But do not repeat too often do because it would be so boring and routine.
  5. Knowing the results of the child .Knowing the learning outcomes can be used as a motivational tool to learn children . By knowing the results of their study , students will be encouraged to study harder . Moreover, if the results of the study progresses , students will inevitably try to defend or even motivated to be able to increase it .
  6. Giving numbers to children .Figures in this case as a symbol of the value of their learning activities . Many students just to reach the number / value . So that is pursued only replay value or the value of a good report cards . The numbers are good for the students it is a very strong motivation to learn . That needs to be remembered by the teacher , that the achievement of these figures are not the result of a true and meaningful learning . The hope those numbers associated with value not just cognitive affection alone .
  7. Praising children .If there are students who successfully complete the task properly , then it should be given praise . Praise is a form of positive reinforcement and provide a good motivation for students . Administration should also be at the right time , so that will foster a pleasant atmosphere and enhance learning motivation and self-esteem at the same time will generate .
  8. Punishment. The penalty is a form of negative reinforcement , but if given correctly and wisely , can be a motivational tool to learn children . Therefore , teachers must understand the principles of the punishment .  

The same thing also expressed by Fathurrohman and Sutikno (2007 : 20 ) motivation of students can be grown in several ways , namely :
  • Explain the purpose of the students.
    At the beginning of learning a teacher should first explain the Instructional Objectives to be achieved to students . The more clearly the goal , the greater the motivation to learn.
  • Gifts. Prizes will spur their passion for learning can be even harder . Give prizes to the students who excel. In addition , students who do not perform will be motivated to pursue students who excel.
  • Rival / competition .The teacher tried to hold a competition among students to improve academic achievement , trying to fix the results of previous achievements.
  • Praise.Students who excel naturally to be given an award or praise . Praise given constructive . With honors students will be more motivated to get better achievement.
  • Generating encouragement for learners to learn .The strategy is to give maximum attention to the learners . In addition , teachers can also make students interested in the material presented by way of using the method attractive and easy to understand students.
  •  Establish good study habits .Good study habits can be formed by the schedule of learning .
  •  To assist learners' learning difficulties , either individually or in groups .Helping learners difficulties by looking at the process and learning outcomes . In the process of learning there be some element among others, the use of methods to mennyampaikan material to students . The method is to draw a picture and text colors will attract students to take notes and study material that has been submitted ..
  • Using a variety of methods .Increase motivation to learn to use learning methods that variation . The method will vary greatly assist in the process of learning and teaching . With the new method will facilitate teachers to deliver the material to the students.
  • Using a good instructional media , and must be in accordance with the purpose of learning .
But if your child is still far below the age you can give a fairy tale to trigger the child's thinking.
See the best for him and see how the book's publisher. it really helps you in guiding your child. listed here are a lot of books specifically for children but chances are it is sold.
if you need you can see and buy the ebook here special kid

Bonus word of motivation:

It is good to celebrate success, tp is important to take the lessons of failure dr. * Bill Gates

Real success is when you hit hinga knees, but was able to bounce back. (Anonymous)

"The key is in the actual SUCCESS MIND YOURSELF and you, if you are thinking of SUCCESS, then success will come to you".

There's nothing wrong for the learned, it's to add to the experience anyway.

Eliminate all negative thoughts in you, and GET A DREAM Pursue your success

Read more: LEARNING MOTIVATION >> How to Increase Child Learning Motivation

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